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At the launch of Tourism Month in Galeshewe, Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr Zamani Saul, Minister Patricia de Lille,Frances Baard District Executive Mayor Nondumiso Buda,Executive Mayor of the Sol Plaatjie Municipality, Kagisho Sonyoni. Picture:Supplied


In a vibrant celebration of South Africa’s tourism potential, Minister of Tourism Patricia de Lille officially launched Tourism Month at the luxurious Batsumi Guesthouse in Galeshewe, a historic township in the Northern Cape. This event underscores the government’s commitment to boosting both Astro Tourism and Domestic Tourism, highlighting the untapped potential within the region.

Minister de Lille spoke passionately about South Africa’s unique position in Astro Tourism. “This province is leading South Africa’s proactive stance in leveraging the significant advances made in the development of the world’s largest space telescope array, with a comprehensive astro-tourism strategy,” she remarked. The Square Kilometre Array (SKA), located near Carnarvon, is set to become the world’s most powerful radio telescope, enabling studies of the universe dating back 13.5 billion years. De Lille emphasized, “There are immense opportunities for Astro Tourism in South Africa, especially in the Northern Cape, which boasts some of the clearest and darkest night skies in the world.”

Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr. Zamani Saul, also addressed the gathering, highlighting the region’s rich potential in renewable energy and tourism. “We’ve got the most beautiful sun in the Northern Cape,” he stated, noting that 60% of the country’s renewable energy is generated in the province. He also pointed out the region’s astronomical assets, including the largest Southern Sun telescope.

The Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr. Zamani Saul at the launch of Tourism Month in Galeshewe.

Dr. Saul further emphasized the province’s unspoiled natural beauty, particularly its coastline. “We have the most beautiful shoreline of 330 kilometers, still virgin and divine, which needs to be developed,” he said, inviting investment and sustainable development in the region.

The focus on Domestic Tourism was equally strong, with Minister de Lille recognizing its crucial role in sustaining the industry. “Domestic tourism is the bedrock of our sector,” she declared, citing the 38 million domestic trips in 2023 that injected R121 billion into the economy. She also announced the return of the Sho’t Left Travel Week Campaign, designed to make travel more affordable for South Africans.

As Tourism Month begins, the spotlight is firmly on the Northern Cape, a region poised to become a global leader in both Astro Tourism and eco-friendly travel, thanks to its unique natural and scientific assets.

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