
Private information has been obtained by these cyberhackers and there is no telling what they will do with it…

Fellow South Africans,

The one and only Cyril Ramaphosa and our government has officially been hacked.

The breaking news has left us just as shocked as Cyril was when it came to light that his private information has been obtained by a cyber-hacking group known as ‘SpiderLog$’.

The Sunday Times has reported that private information, such as Cyril’s phone number, address, ID etc. were accessed via a loan that Cyril took with a top bank in South Africa.

“South Africa is a playground for hackers because anyone is able to map your country’s digital infrastructure,” said The Sunday Times.

This hacker group called SpiderLog$ has said it was able to use data leaked by another group called N4ugtysecTU after it breached credit bureau TransUnion earlier this year.

TransUnion disputed that the leaked Home Affairs data came from its servers, saying that the attackers had obtained it from an earlier breach. South African public figures such as Cyril and Julius Malema have had threats made against them for this information to be leaked.

My Broadbandreports: “Cybersecurity firms warned that the vulnerabilities discovered by a hacking group could lead to attackers intercepting sensitive military and intelligence information. In one of the screenshots, SpiderLog$ showed it could gain entry to the defence and state security departments’ webmail interface.”

It has also been mentioned that this isn’t a first for government shortfalls on cyber-security, many hacks have occurred in the past with other sensitive information being accessed.

So what do these hackers want?

There have been no demands made by the hacker group at the moment. More information will be shared on this developing issue when available.

However, the thought on all our minds is what next?

It seems that only time will tell.

Stay cyber safe and take every precaution to not fall victim to hacking. See tips here

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