The KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Department of Sports, Arts, and Culture, under the leadership of MEC Dr. Ntuthuko Mahlaba, hosted a landmark summit at the prestigious Durban Musgrave Coastland Hotel. The gathering brought together a diverse array of artists, athletes, and industry stakeholders to deliberate on the future of their respective fields and chart a course towards improvement.

One of the focal points of the summit was addressing concerns surrounding financial management and accountability in event organization. MEC Mahlaba raised a pertinent issue regarding the misuse of funds allocated by the government for sponsored events.

“I need to highlight this,I am not happy about the careless handling of finances that has undermined the effectiveness of these initiatives, there is a need for greater transparency and responsibility” Mahlaba said.

MEC Ntuthuko’s remarks underscored the importance of ensuring that public funds are utilized effectively to foster the growth and development of the arts and sports sectors. By holding organizers accountable for their financial practices, the government aims to instill greater confidence among stakeholders and ensure that resources are directed towards initiatives that benefit the community at large.



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