mother of twins arrested

Durban – A man who killed a relative by accident and then dumped his body, shot himself after making a confession.

The double tragedy rocked the village of Ematimatolo in KwaZulu-Natal on Sunday, police said.

Colonel Thembeka Mbele said that 26-year-old Sinenkosi Zondi was accidentally shot by a relative while under the influence.

The relative tried to take him to hospital for treatment, but he died on the way.

He then drove to a cliff with Zondi’s body and threw it over the cliff into bush and trees.

The “suspect”, named as Zama Zondo, then went to confess to Sinenkosi’s parents about what he had done.

“The suspect Mr Zama Zondi then shot himself after confessing to the deceased relatives,” said Mbele.

The police and search and rescue and the K9 unit were called and the grim task of recovering Sinenkosi’s body from 40 metres down began.

Rescuers abseiled down the cliff, and by using a rope and basket system hoisted Sinenkosi’s body to the top.

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