Renowned author Mduduzi Mathenjwa has expressed his concerns about the challenges faced by writers in the country.

Mathenjwa, who has written four books, was speaking at the Articulate Africa event held at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre in Durban today.

“We don’t have a platform to showcase our work and get support from the government or municipalities.
We rely on our own resources to publish our books,” Mathenjwa said.

He added that the lack of support from the government and municipalities is a major obstacle for writers, making it difficult for them to showcase their work and connect with readers.

“We need support from all spheres, not just from the government or municipalities, but also from other stakeholders in the industry,” Mathenjwa emphasized.

Mathenjwa’s books include “Ashes to Flesh”, “Mysterious Pregnancy”, “A Soldier is a Safe of Mind”, and “Self-Discover Chronicles”.


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