phoenix man strangled by wife

Durban – A Phoenix man has survived an attempt to strangle him allegedly by his wife, domestic helper and two other women on Wednesday, KZN police have said.

The domestic worker and two other women tried to suffocate the man before being joined by the wife.

The four have been charged with attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder, police spokesperson Colonel Thembeka Mbele said on Thursday.

She said the victim, a 62-year-old man, was watching TV in the lounge of his home in Phoenix when he was attacked by three women who used a bin bag to cover his head.

“The women began strangling him with a scarf. The victim fought back and he managed to remove the bag from his head. He then realised that one of the women was his domestic helper.”

Mbele said the women persisted with their attempt to suffocate him.

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“While the attack was in the progress the suspects were joined by the victim’s wife who also attempted to suffocate him. The victim managed to activate the panic alarm and a neighbour came to his rescue. Police officers from Phoenix SAPS were summoned and all four suspects were arrested.”

The women are expected to appear in the Verulam Magistrate’s Court on Friday.

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