KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Social Development MEC, Mbali Shinga, has expressed concern over the high number of children involved in drug abuse.

Speaking at an event to commemorate International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Loskop, Nkomokazi, she said the government is committed to supporting those affected by drug abuse.

She revealed that her department has a plan to combat drug abuse and its effects. “Drug abuse is a threat to our lives, it destroys families and has a negative impact on our communities. In our province, we have seen an increase in the number of young people using drugs like tik, dagga, whoonga, and mandrax. As parents and guardians, we must play a crucial role in protecting our children’s future by educating them about the dangers of drug abuse and providing support to those who need it, so that they can lead a drug-free life,” Shinga said.

She also urged the community to work together to ensure the safety of children and encouraged parents to have open conversations with their children about drug abuse.


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