Traffic was brought to a stand still on N2 south near Amanzimtoti after an elederly woman fell off onto nthe busy highway.
Rush hour motorists saw the woman mount the Adams Road bridge railing before she fell onto the narrow centre median of the N2 carriageway on Wednesday morning.
The elderly woman was seen by two motorists who were travelling west over the Adams Road bridge at about 7.35am, Southcostsun reports.
Both stopped as they saw her slowly pull herself over the bridge railing. By the time they made it across the congested bridge, she had fallen onto the narrow median between the north and southbound carriageways.
Minutes later, there were four people on the bridge, peering over the railing at traffic below.
Tow trucks were quickly followed by an ER24 ambulance in response. As some worked to marshall and slow the busy N2 traffic on the southbound carriageway, the woman was stabilised and placed onto a trauma board before being loaded into the ambulance.
Once the ambulance left for hospital, traffic quickly resumed.