grantleigh school devil art

Durban – An internal investigation is underway at Grantleigh School in Richards Bay following complaints of a pupil’s “satanic” artwork.

The pupil’s work includes sculptures of heads with horns, paper mache using Bible pages and a painting which referenced The Last Supper.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the school said the artwork was displayed in the school foyer as part of a year-end exhibition.

“We have taken cognisance of the allegations made on social media; the matter is currently subject to an internal investigation.

“We want to reiterate that the comments made is not an accurate reflection of our school and the situation referred to and we reserve our rights in this regard,” read the statement.

A video of a father criticising the school for allowing the pupil to display his artwork went viral on Monday.

“I am so upset, I am not emotional, I am upset. I walked into the school, into the school hall and there is some artwork being displayed from the matrics.

“I couldn’t stand in here because it felt like they were crucifying Jesus all over again,” said the parent in the video posted on Facebook.

Grantleigh School, which has a Christian ethos, is an independent school and is a member of the Curro Group.

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